Tuesday, August 24, 2010


We had such a relaxing weekend and I hope you did, too!  CJ had a playstation marathon and I caught up on some tv shows I missed and watched some Lifetime movies.  I don't think he would ever admit this, not even to me - but I think he likes the Lifetime movies.
Our landlord put up a new light fixture outside our door (love it!) last Friday.  I pointed it out to CJ before he got home so he would take notice.  He then came in and said, "I like it.  Is that what made you put that wreath up?"  He is talking about a wreath that has been on the door for over three months.  After a few moments of silence and me hoping that he was joking, I realized that he was serious.  It's funny how he hasn't noticed a wreath on the front door that is practically in his face when he goes to open it, but can recall every time I have accidentally left the iron on.  He does not remember me going over plans with him , but can tell you (with great detail) about every team member that plays - or has played for the Braves or Auburn.  I love every bit of that weird man.
I've got myself in a predicament this week.  I told CJ that I was going to dig up all the old bushes and weeds by our front door and put down mulch.  I also told him I would have it done by the end of the week.  I also can't stand the heat.  I also do not want to go outside and do manual labor.  I also thought if I got him excited about this project that he would want to be involved.   I also meant by him being involved that he would do it and I would hand him a beer while he did it.  I also think that he is getting a kick out of this.  I also regret ever opening my mouth - but now there are bags of mulch on our front step and I have a boyfriend at home willing to call me out on not following through and most importantly wasting the mulch!
*Update - When we got home from work yesterday he asked me if I was going to get started.  I hesitantly answered "yes."  He then offered to dig up the bushes himself.  It took him all of five minutes to do what would have taken me an hour or more.  Once again, he exceeded my expectations.  As an added bonus, the shoes that he ordered me came in as I was finishing spreading the mulch.  Talk about a reward!
Until next time...

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