Sunday, July 31, 2011

Yet another busy weekend...

The Ewers camp is closed for any type of productivity today.  We've all been very lazy and unproductive!  I'm positive Bill hasn't been awake longer than ten minutes today.  I'm ok with that considering tomorrow is Monday.  I'm sure the week will bring plenty of productivity.
Friday night we had our date night...and it was lovely as usual! 
Saturday I headed over to Staci's house for an Arbonne party that her friend Lindsey was throwing.  Lindsey lives in Atlanta so we rarely get to see her, that was a treat in itself.  The Arbonne party was so much fun just catching up and trying on makeup.  While I was sipping on mimosas and playing with makeup CJ went to the pool with Brian.  From what I hear, they had a very relaxing time. 

Later we headed to Brittany and Corey's wedding shower.  It was so fun seeing everyone and being able to celebrate Brittany and Corey's wedding that's only a month away! 
Now, Beauty And The Beast and just finished sushi...PERFECT! 

Monday, July 25, 2011

Bridal Coffee

We had the most fabulous time in Mississippi last weekend!  My Aunt Jo and Uncle Bill have such a beautiful home and were gracious enough to open it to all of our family for mine and CJ's Bridal Coffee.  She had the most tasty food and my favorite cake ever - Italian cream cake from Sugaree's Bakery.  It was so special getting to see everyone and spend time with family.  We got so many wonderful gifts and generous gift cards.  We are so excited to start using all of our goodies! 
After our shower, we went to lunch and then shopping on Main Street in New Albany.  While at lunch, we celebrated my Aunt Nancy's and Uncle Mike's birthdays with a delicious caramel cake.  CJ got me the most delicious smelling candle.  I have it downstairs, but can smell it upstairs and all over the house - and I haven't even burned it yet!  My mom also got me some Toms shoes that are adorable! 
After we got back to my Aunt's house we went out to pet the horses and packed our things.  On our way home we saw a double rainbow...a perfect ending to a PERFECT day. 

Sleepy Momma on the way home!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Showers and presents, oh my!

I am so giddy with excitement...
Our very first shower is this Saturday!  My sweet Aunt is too generous and wanted to throw us a Bridal Coffee at her beautiful home in Mississippi.  I know it's going to be spectacular.  She has great taste!  My other wonderful aunts and two cousins are also hosting the shower.  We are leaving early Saturday morning for the shower then going to lunch at a quaint little Italian restaurant (Vainisis), followed by a little shopping in Tupelo.  So sweet!

CJ and I are both thrilled and humbled by our friends and family lately!  CJ's sister, Staci has already asked to throw us a shower in a couple of months.  She's already been buying things to prepare for it and is so excited about being able to do it.  I've never seen someone with a heart like hers - she gets so excited to give and help.  I truly lucked out in the sister in law category.  I love having an older sister:)
Tonight, CJ's grandmother came by our house and gave us a gift because she can't make it to the Bridal Coffee Saturday.  It's my very first cake plate!  Eeeek!  I'm pumped!

Other than that, everything is just fine here at Camp Ewers.  I've been running like crazy trying to stay slim for my wedding dress.  CJ has been working out for over an hour after he's been working outside all day in the heat at work...I'll let him keep this up for a little bit longer then demand he rest his body.  Stubborn old man!  The boyz are fuzzy, funny, and fine.  Enough for now!

Breakfast Beer Bread

Ever heard of Tastefully Simple?  They sell Bountiful Beer Bread Mix along with many other products.  I just love all of their food and recipes.  Everything is so easy!  For this recipe, I made the beer bread as directed then topped it with melted butter, cinnamon and sugar - then, dunzo!  This little lady is thinking about being a representative soon...thanks to the encouragement of a sweet hubby to be over here:)

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Lincoln Lawyer Love

If you haven't seen it, you may want to.  We watched it Saturday night and I enjoyed it more that I thought I would.  I can rarely stay awake during movies - but this one kept me on the edge of my seat until the very end! 
We also tried on and picked out wedding bands yesterday as well as went car shopping.  We had a really nice weekend...hope everyone else did too! 

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Guess what I got!

I must be behaving lately!  CJ came home with a bottle of Skinnygirl Margarita for me yesterday!  He had a bottle shipped from a liquor store in New York the first time he bought it for me.  Now they sell it here in Alabama.  I was so excited!  What a sweet angel I have! 

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Despite the humidity...

This weather seems to have me dragging's so humid and hot outside.  I can't relate to anyone that lives in the south and says summer is their favorite season.  You've got to be out of your mind to enjoy this time of year!  Luckily, it hasn't stopped me from running in the afternoons...yet.
We've been making some wonderful memories this summer... 
Friday night CJ took his little princess on a date.  We had a great time laughing and flirting - it's nice to be able to do that after almost four years.  I really lucked out with him
Saturday night we went to dinner with Staci and Brian to Lapaz restaurant in Mountain Brook.  CJ and I had never been there together.  The food was delicious and the drinks were great.  I'd like to think that we're margarita connoisseurs at this point - and the margaritas there were probably the best I've ever had!

After that, we all went to Jackson's Bar and Bistro.  We sat on the patio and talked, and talked, and talked.  It was so nice just being together with each other.  That was probably one of the nicest nights I've had in a while.  Staci and Brian are always great company, no matter where we go or what we do!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Easy Peasy Dip

Fiesta Ranch Dip
1 package Ranch Fiesta
1 16oz tub of fat free sour cream
Add jalapenos and fat free shredded cheese to taste
Mix all ingredients together
Serve with pretzels

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

July 4th

Our weekend certainly wasn't short of things to do!
Friday night my mom came to dinner with us which was a nice surprise.  We had a lot of fun - when CJ and my mom get together I can't stop laughing.  I think they feed off of each other! 
Saturday we went grocery shopping to prepare for the rest of the weekend...
Sunday we went to Pell City for CJ's Aunt Vicki's pool party she does every year.  It was a blast!  The food was endless and delicious.   I must have laughed all day.  By the end of the evening every single person there got thrown least once!

Monday we went canoeing with friends.  It was probably the longest canoe trip I've ever been on - but it was also a lot of fun!  CJ was able to catch up with a couple of friends that live out of town and I know he really enjoyed that. 
Today, I'm back behind my desk.  I have to say, this has been a very enjoyable day at work.  I got good news from the wedding event company telling me that we are able to rehearse at the venue the night before.  SCORE!  Also, my sweet, sweet future sister in law brought me lunch for no reason!
In other news - - -  
Flipping Out comes on tonight - it's the season premier!  Jeff Lewis and I are a lot alike in that my foot should be in my mouth more often than not, that I am the cause of many awkward silences and that my house is always spotless.  If you're watching tonight, enjoy!