Thursday, December 30, 2010

New Years Eve...Eve.

It's Thursday over here in Vacation land.  We had dinner with my mom and brother last night.  Mexican and margaritas, no less!  It was so nice, I think we all talked non stop the whole time.  I really wish my brother would move back home so we could do things like that more often...
Today I put a roast in the crock pot so we've been smelling that for the past several hours - - and will continue to smell it for a couple more.  We've been absolutely worthless today and it has been absolutely wonderful. 
Tomorrow we'll head out around noon for Nashville after we drop Dale off at my mom's.  We're excited about the trip and spending another New Years out of town...and another anniversary out of town:) 
I'm going to get back to smelling the roast! 
Nashville, HERE WE COME!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Vacation starts...NOW!

Well, well, well...
It's Sunday night.  We had a very nice Christmas.  We were supposed to travel to MS to be with my family, however, the weather was icy so we stayed in town and celebrated with CJ's family.  We spend the day at his sister and brother in law's house.  It was such a peaceful, relaxing, fun, special time.  They gave us way too many gifts to enjoy - some even throughout the year!  It snowed here all day and again this morning.  It was my first white Christmas...and also my first Christmas spent in Alabama. 

Our Christmas tree on Christmas Eve...

Our White Christmas:)

My love.

Guess who?

The boyz in their Christmas sweaters!
Ok, so today is Sunday. It's technically the beginning of our week off.  The word "vacation" has been thrown around here more often than I care to remember.  We're so stinking excited!  Today we went grocery shopping for the week.  I made venison vegetable soup and corn bread today.  CJ put a Christmas toy together that he got.  We had a very nice day at home...and are expecting many more! 

Bill stealing some ice cream from dad....
Tomorrow we're staying around here during the day then heading to my parent's house to spend time with them and my brother who's in town from Gainesville.  Should be a good time!  I'm really, really trying to soak all this in and enjoy every second of being able to spend so much time off with CJ and the boyz.  I hope we all have a really special Christmas Vacation.  Ok...I'm off to think about what to bake or cook tomorrow!

Friday, December 17, 2010

And so this is Christmas...

This week is flying by! 
I'm excited to get home out of this cold and snuggle with the boyz and CJ.  I've managed to get quite a bit of shopping done this week.  CJ told me that the stores must hate me because I have so many coupons.  :)  What else went on this week?  Let's see...I made chili with venison on Monday and sweetie pie had it for dinner every night so far.  It was quite delish if I must say so myself.  Last week I made vegetable soup with venison and it was equally as tasteful.  I'm beginning to like cooking with venison - which poses a problem because we're almost out.  Because I do not shoot helpless animals (nor does CJ), I'm assuming we won't have anymore this year. 
This weekend...Friday night we're going on a date, mexican of course!  Saturday we're going to finish...ok...start and finish Christmas shopping.  Saturday night we're going to dinner with CJ's sister and brother in law to a new restaurant in town (Chuy's).  I hope Sunday we wrap some presents!

I'm still waiting for someone to press the pause button on this time of year.  I'm certainly enjoying every second of it.   
This is our last full week of work.  YEAH!

Sunday, December 12, 2010


We went to CJ's sister's house lastSaturday for the SEC Championship game and watched Auburn win!  They are now on the road to a National Championship.  We had a great time playing with the kids and spending time with his sister and brother in law.  Great food, great fun, great win!
We also got our Christmas tree up.  It's a cute little tree - now we just need to wrap those presents that are sitting upstairs to put under the tree.  Soon enough! 

Friday night CJ took me on a date and told me some very special news that he had been holding in since lunch earlier that day...he sold his bike!  It may sound not so exciting for someone else, but it was a huge step towards a goal of ours.  I was in tears and crying at the same time - such a sap!  Luckily, he sold it to his boss who collects classic bikes - this way we know it will be well taken care of...and maybe we can even borrow it every now and then.

Yesterday we had a tacky Christmas sweater party at a friend's house and had a great time.  It's always nice to see a few faces that we don't get to see too often and catch up.  It was also really funny seeing every one's creativity and attire!  I know CJ enjoyed seeing some old friends and talking football with the guys.  He was the cutest little sweetie there:)  Maybe I'm biased...

Today the weather dropped into the 30's all day.  We stayed on the couch with the boyz and watched Christmas movies while it snowed off and on all day.  I made chex mix - it didn't turn out as good as my mom's or CJ's dad's.  We managed to book our hotel in Nashville for NYE, which will also be our three year anniversary. 

Bad Little Bill
So that's about it for us recently.  I'm enjoying all of the Christmas movies, commercials, decorations and sales!  One more full week of work for the rest of the year! 