Thursday, December 30, 2010

New Years Eve...Eve.

It's Thursday over here in Vacation land.  We had dinner with my mom and brother last night.  Mexican and margaritas, no less!  It was so nice, I think we all talked non stop the whole time.  I really wish my brother would move back home so we could do things like that more often...
Today I put a roast in the crock pot so we've been smelling that for the past several hours - - and will continue to smell it for a couple more.  We've been absolutely worthless today and it has been absolutely wonderful. 
Tomorrow we'll head out around noon for Nashville after we drop Dale off at my mom's.  We're excited about the trip and spending another New Years out of town...and another anniversary out of town:) 
I'm going to get back to smelling the roast! 
Nashville, HERE WE COME!


LovinMyBoys said...

Hey! We really had fun with you guys the other night and enjoyed the talks and food! Hope to hear from you

Lindsey said...

We had a great time too! I'm glad you have a blog, hope to see pictures soon!