Thursday, December 30, 2010

New Years Eve...Eve.

It's Thursday over here in Vacation land.  We had dinner with my mom and brother last night.  Mexican and margaritas, no less!  It was so nice, I think we all talked non stop the whole time.  I really wish my brother would move back home so we could do things like that more often...
Today I put a roast in the crock pot so we've been smelling that for the past several hours - - and will continue to smell it for a couple more.  We've been absolutely worthless today and it has been absolutely wonderful. 
Tomorrow we'll head out around noon for Nashville after we drop Dale off at my mom's.  We're excited about the trip and spending another New Years out of town...and another anniversary out of town:) 
I'm going to get back to smelling the roast! 
Nashville, HERE WE COME!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Vacation starts...NOW!

Well, well, well...
It's Sunday night.  We had a very nice Christmas.  We were supposed to travel to MS to be with my family, however, the weather was icy so we stayed in town and celebrated with CJ's family.  We spend the day at his sister and brother in law's house.  It was such a peaceful, relaxing, fun, special time.  They gave us way too many gifts to enjoy - some even throughout the year!  It snowed here all day and again this morning.  It was my first white Christmas...and also my first Christmas spent in Alabama. 

Our Christmas tree on Christmas Eve...

Our White Christmas:)

My love.

Guess who?

The boyz in their Christmas sweaters!
Ok, so today is Sunday. It's technically the beginning of our week off.  The word "vacation" has been thrown around here more often than I care to remember.  We're so stinking excited!  Today we went grocery shopping for the week.  I made venison vegetable soup and corn bread today.  CJ put a Christmas toy together that he got.  We had a very nice day at home...and are expecting many more! 

Bill stealing some ice cream from dad....
Tomorrow we're staying around here during the day then heading to my parent's house to spend time with them and my brother who's in town from Gainesville.  Should be a good time!  I'm really, really trying to soak all this in and enjoy every second of being able to spend so much time off with CJ and the boyz.  I hope we all have a really special Christmas Vacation.  Ok...I'm off to think about what to bake or cook tomorrow!

Friday, December 17, 2010

And so this is Christmas...

This week is flying by! 
I'm excited to get home out of this cold and snuggle with the boyz and CJ.  I've managed to get quite a bit of shopping done this week.  CJ told me that the stores must hate me because I have so many coupons.  :)  What else went on this week?  Let's see...I made chili with venison on Monday and sweetie pie had it for dinner every night so far.  It was quite delish if I must say so myself.  Last week I made vegetable soup with venison and it was equally as tasteful.  I'm beginning to like cooking with venison - which poses a problem because we're almost out.  Because I do not shoot helpless animals (nor does CJ), I'm assuming we won't have anymore this year. 
This weekend...Friday night we're going on a date, mexican of course!  Saturday we're going to finish...ok...start and finish Christmas shopping.  Saturday night we're going to dinner with CJ's sister and brother in law to a new restaurant in town (Chuy's).  I hope Sunday we wrap some presents!

I'm still waiting for someone to press the pause button on this time of year.  I'm certainly enjoying every second of it.   
This is our last full week of work.  YEAH!

Sunday, December 12, 2010


We went to CJ's sister's house lastSaturday for the SEC Championship game and watched Auburn win!  They are now on the road to a National Championship.  We had a great time playing with the kids and spending time with his sister and brother in law.  Great food, great fun, great win!
We also got our Christmas tree up.  It's a cute little tree - now we just need to wrap those presents that are sitting upstairs to put under the tree.  Soon enough! 

Friday night CJ took me on a date and told me some very special news that he had been holding in since lunch earlier that day...he sold his bike!  It may sound not so exciting for someone else, but it was a huge step towards a goal of ours.  I was in tears and crying at the same time - such a sap!  Luckily, he sold it to his boss who collects classic bikes - this way we know it will be well taken care of...and maybe we can even borrow it every now and then.

Yesterday we had a tacky Christmas sweater party at a friend's house and had a great time.  It's always nice to see a few faces that we don't get to see too often and catch up.  It was also really funny seeing every one's creativity and attire!  I know CJ enjoyed seeing some old friends and talking football with the guys.  He was the cutest little sweetie there:)  Maybe I'm biased...

Today the weather dropped into the 30's all day.  We stayed on the couch with the boyz and watched Christmas movies while it snowed off and on all day.  I made chex mix - it didn't turn out as good as my mom's or CJ's dad's.  We managed to book our hotel in Nashville for NYE, which will also be our three year anniversary. 

Bad Little Bill
So that's about it for us recently.  I'm enjoying all of the Christmas movies, commercials, decorations and sales!  One more full week of work for the rest of the year! 

Sunday, November 28, 2010


We had a really great Thanksgiving this year! Thursday morning we had a casserole and mac and cheese ready by 9:15am.  We left around noon to head to CJ's aunt's house in Pell City.  Side note:  I've realized how terrible I am at taking pictures recently and am hoping to improve on that.  There was SO MUCH food there and it all tasted great.  I love spending Turkey Day with his family.  They're all so funny and entertaining.  I think my favorite dish this year was the sweet potato casserole.  Mmm!  The day was everything I was hoping for and had been looking forward to. 
Friday morning we woke up and prepared a lot of food to take to our friend's house (Ken & Leslie) for the Iron Bowl.  Before I go on, I must mention that Auburn WON!  There was so much food and it was fun getting together with friends and catching up as always. 

Although we made plenty of food over the past few days, these were my fav...cute, white chocolate covered pretzels!

SOME of the food for the Iron Bowl!

I know, he wasn't even paying attention - but I had to snap one quick picture before the game started.  He looked cute in all of his Auburn gear!
 Saturday we tried to not do much.  My brother was in town from Gainesville so we went to my parent's house to visit with him.  I wish he lived here so I could see him more.  We had fun and came home to watch Christmas Vacation - the most wonderful, amazing movie in the whole world.  I could quote the whole thing but it aggravates the sweetie.
Today we got up early and went to get a Christmas tree.  If I must say so myself...and I's really pretty!  We've spent the rest of the day lounging, eating home made chex mix, and trying to enjoy this last bit of time off before work.  I'm also burning my new candle.  (Thanks Meredith!)  We'll be having sushi for dinner - delish!
The honey and I are heading to Nashville for New Years Eve this year.  We plan a trip every year...after I beg to get out of here.  Hey, it's our anniversary, too!  This year will be our third together.  What better way to celebrate than by watching some country music singers perform on a block party and watch a guitar drop at midnight?  Not exactly romantic, but fun!
I have really enjoyed the past five days off.  I'm kind of ready to get back in the swing of things though. This week we'll start working out again and hopefully catch some of the Christmas movies on at night.  CJ is trying to straighten some paperwork out for his motorcycle to try to sell it.  I'm praying and hoping things move quickly and smoothly for him.  I hope to finish up some Christmas shopping this week and wrap some gifts.  We'll also be talking and thinking about the SEC Championship game on Saturday and hoping that Auburn wins!  I told my sweetie pie that I hope every minute of this month goes by slowly.  We'll see!

The Boyz.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

I can almost smell the turkey!

It's so close to Thanksgiving!  I want to push the pause button and just soak all the colors of the season in, the cute holiday commercials, the harvest decor - loooove it all!  Before I know it, I'll be begging CJ to watch Christmas Vacation every few hours.
We've been on the go a bit lately.  Well, for us anyway.  Last weekend we stayed in Friday night, ordered take out and watched National Geographic.  We're so crazy!  Saturday we headed to Margarita Grill with our good friends Meredith and Adam to watch Auburn win against Georgia.  Auburn is still undefeated!  Sunday I think we got off the couch twice - and both times to heat up lunch and dinner.  Bliss!
Yesterday on my way home from work, my sweeties told me that he was cooking a special dinner for me.  He made salmon, steamed broccoli and wild rice, and crescents.  It was DELICIOUS and made the house smell fantastic all night.  I am my boyfriend's princess. 
This week has flown by so far.  Friday night we're having a date night.  Saturday we have a few errands to take care of.  Hopefully that will be productive!  That evening my sweetie pie has a friend turning 30 so we are going to celebrate with him.  Sunday...well, we will be completely useless and snuggle with our boyz...unless of course, I talk CJ into letting me put up the Chrsitmas decorations.  Either way, I will be very sure to enjoy every second of my time with my honey and the boyz this weekend.
Right now I can't wait to get home from the office, work out, shower and enjoy the rest of the night sitting right beside the most amazing, handsome man in the whole world.  I did mention how amazing he was, right? Ha! 

Monday, November 8, 2010

Hello November!

Wow, I can't believe it's already November! 
We had a really great weekend!  Our date Friday night was fun, as usual.  Saturday CJ watched football while I caught up the laundry.  Saturday night we went to Cajun Steamer to celebrate CJ's friend's birthday.  It was a nice time.  Sunday we managed to watch three...maybe even four movies while the boyz napped on and off.  I realize that on Sundays we are completely worthless and that I am completely ok with that because one day I'll look back on this time of our lives and think about how nice it was to have nothing to do...or maybe we'll always be lazy on Sundays.  I guess either way is fine with me. 
This week I promised CJ that I would cook for him all week.  Sometimes I don't think things through very thoroughly:)  I went to Publix and spent too much money.  I'm positive the grocery store gets most of my paycheck.  I'm looking at you, Walmart and Publix.  Enough of the bill bitterness...moving on!  Our first dinner tonight wasn't very good.  CJ pretended it was and managed to finish/swallow his.  I threw mine away and made soup.  Hopefully tomorrow will work out better.  I love trying to be a little cook for my sweet heart, but I truly wish I had better instincts in the kitchen.  I'm very thankful that he enjoys (and is wonderful at) cooking.  I'd much rather do take out and according to that terrible grocery bill today, it would be cheaper!  I just added a little note to self there!  Next time I decide I want to pamper my little prince, I'll just volunteer take out for a few days.  That would probably be a safer bet anyway!
I'm already picking out Thanksgiving Day recipes and Iron Bowl recipes.  I'm also already ITCHING to dig out our Christmas decorations and put up a tree.  I do this every year.  I get so excited for everything that this time of year entails and then after it's gone I wish that I could have pressed a slow motion button.  With that being said, I want to try to soak in all that this time of year has to offer and really, really enjoy it.  Cheers!

Well, this was a manic Monday post...until next time - xo.

Saturday, October 30, 2010


It's Halloween weekend! 
We went on a date Friday night (looooved it). 
Saturday, we picked up a Jack O Lantern Pizza from Papa Murphy's for lunch and it had to be the cutest little pizza ever. 

Later, we watched AU WIN and cooked out - which I was very excited about because we hadn't cooked on the grill in a while (shame on us) and CJ made his uh-may-zing pesto burgers and roasted potatoes (that made the house smell delicious all night).  Yummo.  It was so nice watching the game with my honey bear and the boyz...and even nicer that Auburn won...again!
Perhaps it was a few adult beverages that influenced our decision...perhaps it was the overwhelming interest in the game - either way, Bill got to play outdoors while it was dark last night.  We heard him meowing and realized that he was trapped in a tree with a raccoon that was chasing him.  After grabbing a flashlight we saw that there were actually three, maybe four raccoons in the tree.  Poor, innocent, sheltered Bill had no idea they could have taken him out.  Needless to add, he's fine and that was the last time he'll be able to play outdoors after dark!
Today, CJ is paying playstation and I'm looking at recipes...and excited to dig in to my new Better Homes and Gardens magazine.  We're going to finish it off by ordering sushi...yes, I'm mentioning food AGAIN and yes, I'm already thinking about how awesome it will be.  I hope we'll watch plenty of scary movies and maybe we'll even see a few trick or treaters this year!  Maybe.
Here's a few pictures of the boyz in their Halloween costumes...
Dale in his bee costume.

Look at the wings!

Bill in his pumpkin hat.

Fighting a costume change:)

His little witch costume.
Don't they look thrilled in their costumes? 
Another week starts tomorrow and I'm already looking forward to another weekend.  I have to admit though, coming home to my sweetie every day and spending the nights relaxing with him are some of my favorite times.  I'll look forward to that every day this week until the weekend gets here. 
Life is good.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Monday, Monday...

Friday night my sweetie pie and I went on a date to Maria's.  It's a Mexican restaurant by the house.  I love getting all dressed up for him on date nights and having a few drinks while just enjoying each other's company.  It's also nice being able to sit at the table and admire my hot boyfriend on the other side.  It's a really great start to the weekend. 
Saturday we went to Adam and Meredith's house to watch some football.  Meredith and I got to catch up while the boys watched football.  I love her so much.  We had a lot of fun eating, talking, cooking, eating, watching football, eating and...eating
CJ was proud of Auburn.  They are still undefeated and are at #1 on the BCS poll, which little honey bear was quick to point out several times last night.  I really hope they keep this up because I sure am enjoying having a happy boyfriend after those games!   
Last night I watched a spooky movie on our lap top while CJ watched football.  I was so SCARED after it that I had to make sure there were enough night lights between our bed and bathroom just in case I had to get up in the middle of the night.  Also, it stormed last night (yay for rain finally!) which only added to my terror.  I'm pretty sure I held his finger most of the night! 
Note to self - never watch a scary movie before bed.
It's Monday now and as another week begins, I'm already looking forward to a great weekend with my love and the boys!  Until then, I'll just look forward to coming home to them every night:)

Sunday, October 17, 2010

What's that smell?

 I got my very first YANKEE CANDLE!  My best friend, Meredith gave me one yesterday and I'm waiting for the most perfect, cold outside, cozy inside night to light it.  I loooooove candles or anything that makes my house smell good and feel homey.  Scents like pumpkin, cinnamon, harvest spice - mmmmmm!  As much as I enjoy candles, I couldn't bring myself to pay the $25 for a yankee candle.  I always thought I was too frugal for that.  However, if this candle lives up to it's name and price - I'm afraid I may fall victim to a new obsession.  I guess I should indulge every once in a while, right?  I've already visited the web site and the scents sound so warm and festive...I adore all things autumn.  I also am in love with the cute little jar toppers.  Sounds like I'm sold already.  Thank you, Meredith!
Meredith and her dad at her engagement party.

Monday, October 11, 2010


What's been going on?
I would say nothing, but apparently something has been keeping me busy enough to have just now finished with Thank You cards from my birthday...thirteen days ago. 
Last weekend CJ's sister and brother in law came over for the AL game. Bama lost/Auburn won and CJ was beyond happy!  We spent Sunday plastered to the couch.  Dale went on vacation to my parent's house.  Obviously my mom walked him a lot, he was really sore.  I think Bill enjoyed having all the attention while Dale was gone. 
I've been in and out of the dentist since last Wednesday and I'm still not done in that department, but I am pain free which feels nice.  Wait, is being sore considered being in pain?  Nah.  CJ has been really caring and sweet (of course) about it. 
We found out Monday that CJ's grandmother does have cancer, but not a terrible cancer.  As CJ's mom described it, "if you have to have cancer, it's the best one to have."  We're thankful for that.
Last night we went to New York Pizza (yummo!) to celebrate CJ's oldest sister's birthday.  Today we're looking forward to sitting outside at Margarita Grill and watching the Auburn game with our neighbors, Adam and Meredith.  The weather is supposed to be excellent - finally!  Sunday we'll relax.   
Monday I'm making a roast in the crock pot.  CJ's been requesting one and I'm more than happy to oblidge.  It's so nice coming in from work to a house filled with the smell of dinner.  I love cooking for CJ, especially when he loves the food:)  I have a new apron for the occasion!

My lack of things to post indicates that we haven't had too much going on which would make this an ideal time to put stamps on those thank you notes instead of type
Until next time...

Birthday Weekend!

28...late twenties...twenty something.  While all that sounds better than ALMOST THIRTY, it is in fact an indirect reminder of me becoming an elder.  I spend ten minutes every night applying eye wrinkle cream, skin replenishing cream, lip revive and age spot correctors.  I try to sleep on my back so that I don't get wrinkles from sleeping on the sides of my face.  I try to drink eight bottles of water before I leave work to keep my skin moisturized.  We'll see how much longer I can keep trying to look younger before I throw my hands up and scream, "I give up!"  As for now, at least I can say I'm putting up a good fight. 
Friday night we had dinner with CJ's amazing family.  Everyone was there...his mom, three sisters, brother in law, nephew and niece.  They got me some tennis shoes I've wanted forever and some really creative jewelery.  I really enjoy spending time with them.
Saturday night we went to my parents house and cooked out.  I had the best time talking to my mom in the kitchen.  I could have stayed all night just catching up and being around her.  I have the best mom in the whole world.  She loaded me up with goodies from Banana Republic, as well as household items that I needed.  I think we both had fun spending time over there.
Sunday morning..10.3.10...CJ let me open my gifts from him.  This year he had to have bought the sweetest card.  He wrote some very nice things inside.  They were words that I needed to hear.  He bought me some awesome boots and a bottle of SKINNYGIRL MARGARITA!  He had it shipped from New York!  That man is the best!
Moving on, this week the weather has made a turn towards cold.  I welcome it. 
With it, I welcome year number 28!  Bring it!

My sweet boys!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

What a week...

It's only Wednesday afternoon as I'm writing this and we've had quite an interesting week. 
We found out Sunday that CJ's friend, Joel, passed away the Saturday night before.  We went to his funeral today.  I only met him once, but it was certainly memorable.  After being at the funeral today, I got the impression that he had that impact on a lot of people.  CJ worked with him for many years and would often come home with a funny story about him.  If I wanted a quick laugh, I knew I could ask CJ what's been going on with Joel and I'd get one.  I think it's safe to say that the world lost quite an attribute.  Right now I'm praying that his two children are ok, as well as the rest of the family. 
My dad has been in and out of the ER since Monday morning.  I was there with him this morning for almost three hours.  He will have more tests ran tomorrow and hopefully soon we'll have some clarity followed by some answers as to what the problem is. 
I think that it's times like these that we should treasure our own health and our own families.  Relish the sweet, simple things.  We should be so grateful that we can hug our loved ones or that we can call a friend.  I don't know why, but I've always been one to never take anything for granted.  I feel confident in my relationships.  I know for a fact that everyone in my life knows just how special they are so that if something happened five minutes from now I would have no regrets.  Still, times like these make you think not twice, but three times.
I'm done blogging for now...CJ is sitting beside me on the couch so I'm going to put this computer down and go snuggle up next to him with the fur babies.  Despite the hard times, life is good.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Fall Favorites!

Because Fall is my most favorite time of the year, I thought I would do a post about the reasons why...

October 3rd is my birthday!  Unlike most people, mine is a month long celebration that I encourage all of my family to take part in.  I recently asked my mom to start dropping reminders to family.  I love getting birthday cards in the mail and being able to say, "but it's my birthday!"  CJ and my mom always make it really special for me as well.  They spoil me - and I love it!

I love the pumpkin spice latte at Starbucks.  It's the season in a cup.  Nonfat milk and no whip cream, of course! 

The colors of fall are so beautiful.  Our living room is a constant reminder of that and I really enjoy the space. We have a large window that allows us to feel like we're in a tree house and when the season changes, it's absolutely gorgeous.

Although I care nothing about football, I do enjoy the get togethers and food that this time of year produces.  I will spend hours on the internet looking for new ideas and recipes for game day!  Ahhh...CJ's chili is calling my name!

I also love Halloween and Thanksgiving. 
While CJ and I never do anything for Halloween, I really love watching scary movies and eating candy that will later prohibit me from fitting in my jeans. 
Thanksgiving is such a nice time of year.  We always spend the actual day with CJ's family (tons of food...and wine!) and go to visit my family in Mississippi the next day.  I really enjoy going back to MS, which happens twice a year.  I'm thankful that CJ always goes and makes the most of it. 
After eating an abnormal amount for those two days, the Iron Bowl is on the Saturday after - so just when you think that you can't eat any more, our friends along with us have made some delicious dips and appetizers to munch on for the game.  This is the point where you thank the person who created stretch in fabric. 
I guess that's it for now...I'm still running.  Hopefully I'll reap the benefits of that soon.  We had a relaxing weekend - spent all day last Saturday watching football with the animals.  We're excited about going to a friend's house this Saturday night to watch the Auburn game.  I'm also excited to finally make the beer bread that CJ's sweet sister bought me.  I hope everyone enjoys it as much as CJ and I do!  CJ is laughing now because I squeezed in another comment about food.  Ha! 
Happy Fall, ya'll!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

It's Almost Fall!

It's been a while since I've posted...oopsie!  Labor Day weekend was nice and relaxing.  It was also the first weekend for football.  We had a few people over to watch the games and relaxed the rest of the time.  Bill got fixed recently.  He had a problem urinating on random things in the house.  I am not confident using the word "had," as I'm scared it will jinx me and I'll find a soaked towel later.  CJ said he would take his life or his manhood.  We chose the latter of the two.  Last weekend we spent time at CJ's sister's house for the Alabama game and had a great time.  So far, no plans for this weekend and I honestly hope it stays that way! 
The weather has cooled off recently and humidity is becoming a thing of the past.  I loathe summer down here.  I do not understand why people enjoy the hot, humid days of summer.  The up coming months are my most favorite.  I love the weather, holidays, chili, soups...CJ will laugh when he reads this at the fact that I related food into the description of my favorite time of year!  Food is never far from my mind!  I've already put up our Fall wreath and it is taking everything inside of me not to set up my cute pumpkins inside and other fun fall decor.  Love, love, love it!
I began running again yesterday for the first time in months.  I managed two miles, walking up our large hill each time.  When I don't dread it, running can be such a stress reliever.  I hope this isn't a stint and that I'll make it last this time.  I believe in myself - I have to - I need to fit into my jeans this year!
Other than the daily grind, nothing in particular has been going on.  I'm craving a margarita and a date night with my man Friday.  I'm also looking forward to an after dinner walk in the cool air with him this week.  Cross your fingers that AU wins this weekend.  CJ is an angry man when they lose.  I'll be crossing everything I can! 

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


We had such a relaxing weekend and I hope you did, too!  CJ had a playstation marathon and I caught up on some tv shows I missed and watched some Lifetime movies.  I don't think he would ever admit this, not even to me - but I think he likes the Lifetime movies.
Our landlord put up a new light fixture outside our door (love it!) last Friday.  I pointed it out to CJ before he got home so he would take notice.  He then came in and said, "I like it.  Is that what made you put that wreath up?"  He is talking about a wreath that has been on the door for over three months.  After a few moments of silence and me hoping that he was joking, I realized that he was serious.  It's funny how he hasn't noticed a wreath on the front door that is practically in his face when he goes to open it, but can recall every time I have accidentally left the iron on.  He does not remember me going over plans with him , but can tell you (with great detail) about every team member that plays - or has played for the Braves or Auburn.  I love every bit of that weird man.
I've got myself in a predicament this week.  I told CJ that I was going to dig up all the old bushes and weeds by our front door and put down mulch.  I also told him I would have it done by the end of the week.  I also can't stand the heat.  I also do not want to go outside and do manual labor.  I also thought if I got him excited about this project that he would want to be involved.   I also meant by him being involved that he would do it and I would hand him a beer while he did it.  I also think that he is getting a kick out of this.  I also regret ever opening my mouth - but now there are bags of mulch on our front step and I have a boyfriend at home willing to call me out on not following through and most importantly wasting the mulch!
*Update - When we got home from work yesterday he asked me if I was going to get started.  I hesitantly answered "yes."  He then offered to dig up the bushes himself.  It took him all of five minutes to do what would have taken me an hour or more.  Once again, he exceeded my expectations.  As an added bonus, the shoes that he ordered me came in as I was finishing spreading the mulch.  Talk about a reward!
Until next time...

Thursday, August 19, 2010

First it goes!

Hello blogger world.  I've contemplated doing this for months and finally broke down.  It seemed like a commitment and I don't do well with those very long before becoming increasingly bored.  On the upside, I'm looking forward to being able to document our lives and I enjoy writing.  I know that this time we have together right now will be something we'll enjoy looking back on and laughing about later. 
Most of you reading this will probably be friends and family.  Hello Mississippians!  I highly doubt my life will become interesting enough for strangers to want to read - unless of course I become famous.  Right now the only thing I'm known for is keeping a clean house. 
The title of this blog is 'Margaritaville' because CJ and I have gone to the same Mexican restaurant for over two years every Friday night at 8pm unless we've been sick, on vacation, or had a prior commitment - which we probably complained about because we would miss our salsa and margaritas.  We are creatures of habit.  We also enjoy sushi every Sunday night - the same rolls of course.  On Thursday nights I make homemade pizzas.  I think that's enough repetitive behavior for me to list before you think we're a little off of our rockers.  That's also enough talking about food for now.
A bit of a background on my three boys...CJ and I began dating almost three years ago and moved in together almost two years ago.  When I moved in with him we lived in a tiny one bedroom apartment.  We moved about a year ago to a town home up the road with much more space.  Funny how we've already outgrown that "much more space" part.  We hope to buy a house next year about this time and have fun things like counter space, grass and a garage.  Dale is my overweight dog mixed with several varieties of only the best breeds.  He is eight this month and came along with me when I moved in with CJ.  Sometimes I think he likes CJ more than me, which is probably why I sneak him treats.  I know the way to his heart is through his stomach.  He is the funniest, best dog in the world.  He does no tricks and I'm almost positive it's because he thinks tricks are beneath him.  Or maybe he's lazy.  I like the first one.  We got our cat, Bill (or William) almost two years ago when he was five weeks old.  He's never been around any animal other than Dale, so he has adopted his habits and we believe that he thinks he's a dog with an outstanding ability to jump.  Bill is bossy, sweet, confused, scared, and might have a few screws loose upstairs. 
I never believed in true love or soul mates until CJ.  He is the most amazing, considerate, giving, funny, loving, understanding individual I've ever known.  He inspires me and loves me.  Loving him has been the most rewarding thing I've ever done for myself.  I look at him and know that I am blessed and I will forever be grateful.
Ta-Ta for now!