Monday, October 11, 2010

Birthday Weekend!

28...late twenties...twenty something.  While all that sounds better than ALMOST THIRTY, it is in fact an indirect reminder of me becoming an elder.  I spend ten minutes every night applying eye wrinkle cream, skin replenishing cream, lip revive and age spot correctors.  I try to sleep on my back so that I don't get wrinkles from sleeping on the sides of my face.  I try to drink eight bottles of water before I leave work to keep my skin moisturized.  We'll see how much longer I can keep trying to look younger before I throw my hands up and scream, "I give up!"  As for now, at least I can say I'm putting up a good fight. 
Friday night we had dinner with CJ's amazing family.  Everyone was there...his mom, three sisters, brother in law, nephew and niece.  They got me some tennis shoes I've wanted forever and some really creative jewelery.  I really enjoy spending time with them.
Saturday night we went to my parents house and cooked out.  I had the best time talking to my mom in the kitchen.  I could have stayed all night just catching up and being around her.  I have the best mom in the whole world.  She loaded me up with goodies from Banana Republic, as well as household items that I needed.  I think we both had fun spending time over there.
Sunday morning..10.3.10...CJ let me open my gifts from him.  This year he had to have bought the sweetest card.  He wrote some very nice things inside.  They were words that I needed to hear.  He bought me some awesome boots and a bottle of SKINNYGIRL MARGARITA!  He had it shipped from New York!  That man is the best!
Moving on, this week the weather has made a turn towards cold.  I welcome it. 
With it, I welcome year number 28!  Bring it!

My sweet boys!

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