Saturday, October 30, 2010


It's Halloween weekend! 
We went on a date Friday night (looooved it). 
Saturday, we picked up a Jack O Lantern Pizza from Papa Murphy's for lunch and it had to be the cutest little pizza ever. 

Later, we watched AU WIN and cooked out - which I was very excited about because we hadn't cooked on the grill in a while (shame on us) and CJ made his uh-may-zing pesto burgers and roasted potatoes (that made the house smell delicious all night).  Yummo.  It was so nice watching the game with my honey bear and the boyz...and even nicer that Auburn won...again!
Perhaps it was a few adult beverages that influenced our decision...perhaps it was the overwhelming interest in the game - either way, Bill got to play outdoors while it was dark last night.  We heard him meowing and realized that he was trapped in a tree with a raccoon that was chasing him.  After grabbing a flashlight we saw that there were actually three, maybe four raccoons in the tree.  Poor, innocent, sheltered Bill had no idea they could have taken him out.  Needless to add, he's fine and that was the last time he'll be able to play outdoors after dark!
Today, CJ is paying playstation and I'm looking at recipes...and excited to dig in to my new Better Homes and Gardens magazine.  We're going to finish it off by ordering sushi...yes, I'm mentioning food AGAIN and yes, I'm already thinking about how awesome it will be.  I hope we'll watch plenty of scary movies and maybe we'll even see a few trick or treaters this year!  Maybe.
Here's a few pictures of the boyz in their Halloween costumes...
Dale in his bee costume.

Look at the wings!

Bill in his pumpkin hat.

Fighting a costume change:)

His little witch costume.
Don't they look thrilled in their costumes? 
Another week starts tomorrow and I'm already looking forward to another weekend.  I have to admit though, coming home to my sweetie every day and spending the nights relaxing with him are some of my favorite times.  I'll look forward to that every day this week until the weekend gets here. 
Life is good.

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