Wednesday, September 29, 2010

What a week...

It's only Wednesday afternoon as I'm writing this and we've had quite an interesting week. 
We found out Sunday that CJ's friend, Joel, passed away the Saturday night before.  We went to his funeral today.  I only met him once, but it was certainly memorable.  After being at the funeral today, I got the impression that he had that impact on a lot of people.  CJ worked with him for many years and would often come home with a funny story about him.  If I wanted a quick laugh, I knew I could ask CJ what's been going on with Joel and I'd get one.  I think it's safe to say that the world lost quite an attribute.  Right now I'm praying that his two children are ok, as well as the rest of the family. 
My dad has been in and out of the ER since Monday morning.  I was there with him this morning for almost three hours.  He will have more tests ran tomorrow and hopefully soon we'll have some clarity followed by some answers as to what the problem is. 
I think that it's times like these that we should treasure our own health and our own families.  Relish the sweet, simple things.  We should be so grateful that we can hug our loved ones or that we can call a friend.  I don't know why, but I've always been one to never take anything for granted.  I feel confident in my relationships.  I know for a fact that everyone in my life knows just how special they are so that if something happened five minutes from now I would have no regrets.  Still, times like these make you think not twice, but three times.
I'm done blogging for now...CJ is sitting beside me on the couch so I'm going to put this computer down and go snuggle up next to him with the fur babies.  Despite the hard times, life is good.


Unknown said...

I love you Lindsey. I know we will always be friends. Miss you.

Lindsey said...

i love you more, buddy!