Thursday, November 18, 2010

I can almost smell the turkey!

It's so close to Thanksgiving!  I want to push the pause button and just soak all the colors of the season in, the cute holiday commercials, the harvest decor - loooove it all!  Before I know it, I'll be begging CJ to watch Christmas Vacation every few hours.
We've been on the go a bit lately.  Well, for us anyway.  Last weekend we stayed in Friday night, ordered take out and watched National Geographic.  We're so crazy!  Saturday we headed to Margarita Grill with our good friends Meredith and Adam to watch Auburn win against Georgia.  Auburn is still undefeated!  Sunday I think we got off the couch twice - and both times to heat up lunch and dinner.  Bliss!
Yesterday on my way home from work, my sweeties told me that he was cooking a special dinner for me.  He made salmon, steamed broccoli and wild rice, and crescents.  It was DELICIOUS and made the house smell fantastic all night.  I am my boyfriend's princess. 
This week has flown by so far.  Friday night we're having a date night.  Saturday we have a few errands to take care of.  Hopefully that will be productive!  That evening my sweetie pie has a friend turning 30 so we are going to celebrate with him.  Sunday...well, we will be completely useless and snuggle with our boyz...unless of course, I talk CJ into letting me put up the Chrsitmas decorations.  Either way, I will be very sure to enjoy every second of my time with my honey and the boyz this weekend.
Right now I can't wait to get home from the office, work out, shower and enjoy the rest of the night sitting right beside the most amazing, handsome man in the whole world.  I did mention how amazing he was, right? Ha! 

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