Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Showers and presents, oh my!

I am so giddy with excitement...
Our very first shower is this Saturday!  My sweet Aunt is too generous and wanted to throw us a Bridal Coffee at her beautiful home in Mississippi.  I know it's going to be spectacular.  She has great taste!  My other wonderful aunts and two cousins are also hosting the shower.  We are leaving early Saturday morning for the shower then going to lunch at a quaint little Italian restaurant (Vainisis), followed by a little shopping in Tupelo.  So sweet!

CJ and I are both thrilled and humbled by our friends and family lately!  CJ's sister, Staci has already asked to throw us a shower in a couple of months.  She's already been buying things to prepare for it and is so excited about being able to do it.  I've never seen someone with a heart like hers - she gets so excited to give and help.  I truly lucked out in the sister in law category.  I love having an older sister:)
Tonight, CJ's grandmother came by our house and gave us a gift because she can't make it to the Bridal Coffee Saturday.  It's my very first cake plate!  Eeeek!  I'm pumped!

Other than that, everything is just fine here at Camp Ewers.  I've been running like crazy trying to stay slim for my wedding dress.  CJ has been working out for over an hour after he's been working outside all day in the heat at work...I'll let him keep this up for a little bit longer then demand he rest his body.  Stubborn old man!  The boyz are fuzzy, funny, and fine.  Enough for now!

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