Wednesday, July 6, 2011

July 4th

Our weekend certainly wasn't short of things to do!
Friday night my mom came to dinner with us which was a nice surprise.  We had a lot of fun - when CJ and my mom get together I can't stop laughing.  I think they feed off of each other! 
Saturday we went grocery shopping to prepare for the rest of the weekend...
Sunday we went to Pell City for CJ's Aunt Vicki's pool party she does every year.  It was a blast!  The food was endless and delicious.   I must have laughed all day.  By the end of the evening every single person there got thrown least once!

Monday we went canoeing with friends.  It was probably the longest canoe trip I've ever been on - but it was also a lot of fun!  CJ was able to catch up with a couple of friends that live out of town and I know he really enjoyed that. 
Today, I'm back behind my desk.  I have to say, this has been a very enjoyable day at work.  I got good news from the wedding event company telling me that we are able to rehearse at the venue the night before.  SCORE!  Also, my sweet, sweet future sister in law brought me lunch for no reason!
In other news - - -  
Flipping Out comes on tonight - it's the season premier!  Jeff Lewis and I are a lot alike in that my foot should be in my mouth more often than not, that I am the cause of many awkward silences and that my house is always spotless.  If you're watching tonight, enjoy!

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