Thursday, September 6, 2012

september 2012

We've been busy analyzing our finances lately.  It's been a blast.  Really.  We've talked about things like our budget, savings account, and dire need for a filing cabinet.  Can't we just hire a professional to tell us how much to save and how much to spend?
I guess we could.  But it's not in our budget.
Bill shares in the excitement of it all!

Look who we ran into while doing some tie shopping...Cam Newton!  In his boxers, oddly enough!    

In between grown up talks and posing next to professional athletes made of cardboard, we've been preparing for our move...which in our case means refinishing/refurbishing/repainting furniture as well as all of the normal activities that accompany moving.  It's just a blasty, I tell ya.  I'm not sure how I've managed to cope with the paint and packing clutter thus far.  Normally, my OCD doesn't allow for any amount of clutter.  Maybe it's because I justify the mess by telling myself (constantly) that we're moving.  Maybe it's because the paint fumes have impaired my judgement.  Either way, our home is an organized chaos - but it's still dust free and my bathrooms are clean.  That counts for something, I'm sure of it!  Last night, I snapped a couple pictures as I was sitting on the couch looking around the room in complete dismay.  I could have stood up and taken better pictures, but I was tired and indulging in chocolate ice cream.  So, wanna see?

Here's a few pictures of the fur kids as proof that they have, so far, survived the strong odors of paint thinner.  We think they're really funny...but as I mentioned above, it could just be the polyurethane.
You decide!

I woke up to get breakfast on Saturday and turned to see this.
Obviously, Bill had a late night watching hamsters on youtube.  
Dale, although ten years old and almost fifty pounds, still wants to be held like a baby.  
And what Dale wants, Dale gets.
I love when he sits in my lap or beside me in a chair:)
Bottom feeders.  
Polly and I were searching for recipes on Pinterest which then turned into a Sunday afternoon nap.  
She started it! 
Honestly.  I couldn't find Polly before work one morning.  I happened to pull back the shower curtain and found her sitting there, staring at me like I was interrupting her. 
I'm letting Dale spend as much time as he wants on the couch before we move.  He won't be allowed on the new couch.  Plus, it's bad for his hind legs to be jumping that high anyway.
Here he is being a sweet angel baby face:

K, that's it for now!

Tomorrow is Friday and I can't wait! 
I hope all of you have a wonderful weekend!

1 comment:

5th Belle Avenue said...

Thank you for your comment! You are so sweet and have the most ADORBS family!! I loooove Juice Plus protein powder and make my protein smoothies and shakes with it. I usually have a smoothie for breakfast (JP+ powder, banana, rice/almond milk, spinach, frozen berries, avocado), a bowl of granola w/fresh berries, or a whole wheat bagel with peanut butter. My favorite breakfast before a big run is the bagel with peanut butter. Yum! And an enjoyable way to get some protein! :) For snacks, I love whole wheat toast with avocado and some himalayan sea salt sprinkled on top, hummus and veggies, banana and peanut butter, popcorn, and Larabars! Please let me know if you have any other questions!!

Juice Plus Complete Variety Protein Powder: