Sunday, January 9, 2011

Snow Day?

Stix was uh-may-zing!  We had such a wonderful time with Mere and Adam.  We went to their house first for drinks then had an awesome dinner.  Love, love, love those guys.
Last night we had dinner with CJ's sister and brother in law at Davenport's Pizza.  We had a blast with them!
We're supposed to have a winter storm tonight through Monday morning.  I've heard up to six inches of snow.  We'll see how bad this really gets.  I'm hoping it's bad enough to keep me home from work, but not so bad that we can't travel to Brittany and Corey's Monday night for the game.  Right now it's sleeting outside.  I guess we'll see...
We're taking it easy around the house with the boyz and cooking chili later.  I'm trying to rest my mind before school starts tomorrow, National Championship game tomorrow, and the excitement surrounding this weather. 
Now...back to relaxing!


turbo1327 said...

Ok, I'm wondering why we did not get a "love, love, love those guys" about us aaaaaannnnnndd you left off the best part about hearing me sing karoake. geeez

Lindsey said...

Until now, I had no idea you referred to yourself as turbo! I probably don't want to know why.