Saturday, August 13, 2011


That frozen margarita was so good last night.  It was nice being at our restaurant, in a booth and laughing with my future hubster. 
In news that's not so shocking, I still have no car.  I'm driving CJ's jeep right now.  I've heard him complain about gas mileage before but had no idea just how terrible it was.  I have dumped $40 in that jeep since Monday (MONDAY!) and it's only at a quarter of a tank.  I don't even think my little Honda can hold $40.  I've definetly never tried; I put $10 a week in my car.  I am grateful that I have something to drive...even if I do think it may use more gas than a military tank:)
CJ's old friend, Scott came in town Wednesday night for business.  He treated us to dinner and drinks at Cocina Superior and it was delish.  It was nice to see him if only for a few hours.  Staci, Brian, and the kids came for a little while too.  It also happened to be Jonah's first day of kindergarten so Staci brought GiGi's cupcakes and was thoughtful enough to get me one too!  I got a margarita flavored one and it was so yummy to my little tummy.

On the wedding front, time seems to be getting shorter and my list seems to be getting bigger.  I've got an amazing mom, family, sister in law, friends, and a very willing fiance eager to help which makes everything a little more managable.  CJ and I both are very excited.  It seems to get more real each day that passes.  Here's a beautiful picture I found of the gallery that I wanted to post on here:

My angel brought me home flowers and a very, very sweet card yesterday.  I don't think he's ever written that much in a card...or anywhere else for that matter.  It was everything I wanted and needed to hear at this point.  I'm thankful God gave me him to love and be loved by!

It's Saturday now.  We're getting ready to head to the pool for some sun and relaxation.  I'm excited to get a little glow and flirt with my honey.  I think we'll rent a movie later:) 

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