Thursday, September 29, 2011

Ain't Life Grand.

Two months until the wedding!  Goodness, time does fly. 
I didn't sit in front of our lap top at all last week hence my blogging absence.  I was busy crafting hostess gifts for our lovely shower last Sunday.  I made two rag wreaths.  I've seen them online and besides being adorable, they appeared to be easy enough to attempt.  Five trips to the fabric store and one (still) numb thumb later, the wreaths were complete...and adorable!  I also picked up a few gifts at Wrapsody in Patton Creek.  Love that store.

Now, onto our perfect wedding shower thrown by Staci and Meredith.  Future hubster and I were both shocked at the amount of thought, work, and love that obviously went into throwing the shower.  It was visually entertaining to say the least.  The colorful decor, the delicious food and drinks and the wonderful guests - everything was more than we could have asked for or expected. From the sweet hostesses to the guests, we are so thankful to have such amazing people in our lives.  We are humbled.

Someone is turning 29 on Monday!  Normally I announce to everyone that it's 'almost my birthday' about a month before the actual date.  This year, it completely slipped my mind until CJ told me a couple weeks ago that he had already ordered my gifts.  My sweetie is taking me out to one of our favorite restaurants this weekend to celebrate and I am ecstatic about it!  I also can't wait to see what he picked out for my birthday gifts this year..he's a great gift giver and I am a lucky lady! 

Finally, we completed our bachelor/bachelorette party plans and we couldn't be more excited about them!  After contemplating dates and plans, we came up with something that we are both thrilled about and are looking forward to.  Whew!
We took off work tomorrow and are looking forward to a great three day weekend.  I'm excited to sit on the couch, sip my coffee, munch on my bagel and watch all of the Today show tomorrow!   Mmm, the things that excite me these days. 

 I'm also looking forward to shopping with my honey, delicious dining, football and cooking out with friends Saturday night.  Not too shabby, eh?

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