Sunday, September 4, 2011

Labor Day Weekend.

We have had an amazing weekend so far. 
Friday night we had dinner with our best friends, Meredith and Adam.  We munched on chips and salsa, tacos, sipped frozen margaritas and laughed for a few hours.  It was a totally appropriate way to start our weekend.

Saturday we went to Brittany and Corey's wedding.  Everything was just wonderful.  They are such an adorable couple.  I could kick myself for not taking pictures of this adorable couple!  We cleaned up nice, I must say.  CJ looked as handsome as ever in his suit.  I wore a LBD from White House Black Market that I've been in love with since the second I saw it - and was super excited to wear it for future hubster.  I need to think of another reason for us to get dressed up again so that I can take pictures.  Maybe date night next Friday?  We shall certainly see:) 
Today it rained all day long thanks to the tropical storm in the gulf.  It has been wonderful weather to watch while we snuggled on the couch with the boyz.  The pitter patter of rain drops has been soothing.  I think it's actually supposed to do this for the next few days...and I promise to enjoy every second of it! 

This evening we cooked with our new cookware together for the first time.  We made spaghetti and french bread with homemade pesto spread on it.  Delish! 

Tomorrow I am excited to drink my coffee and watch the Today Show.  At some point we'll pick up some bbq...but all in all, I expect that we'll enjoy just being home for an extra day this weekend.  I'm excited to have some extra time with my amazingly sweet man - the simplicity of that warms my heart.  Ah, it just started raining (hard) again...xo.

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