Friday, January 13, 2012

Chocolate pie and such.

I'm going to run through last weekend so that I'll have it here as a memory... Last Friday I gasped when hubster handed me a bouquet of flowers for no reason.  My first flowers as a wife!  I'm ridiculously sentimental, I know. 
We went on our usual Mexican date on Friday night.  I love our weekly dates.  There is nothing better than spending Friday night in a booth, gazing at my hot husband, munching on salsa, chips and tacos, having a margarita and laughing about our week. 
Saturday morning we woke up and made beignets.  Yum!  They were just as delicious as I wanted them to be!  Later that evening we went to dinner with our friends Katie and Joseph.  It's always nice catching up with friends.
On Sunday we went to my mom's for tender roast, savory potatoes and carrots, cream corn, butter beans, and my mom's delicious chocolate pie.  She even made us an extra pie to take home...which is probably why this skirt is snug.
Monday morning came...I walked into my office and was told that I got a raise, full time status, and benefits.  SCORE!  I'm so excited for the opportunities that this will afford me and hubster.  So happy!   
Monday night the ever so boring National Championship game was on.  We went to Meredith and Adam's house to watch the game with them, Adam's brother Simon, Katie and Joseph.  We had a great time, too much pizza, and some birthday cake for Simon's birthday.  Not to shabby for a Monday night, but definitely more eventful than usual! 


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