Tuesday, March 15, 2011

A big thank you to...

CJ's sweet sister and one of my best friends, Staci is throwing us an engagement party and we're so excited!  The invites were mailed out yesterday (thanks to CJ's mom!) and they are so adorable.  We can't wait to see everyone and celebrate the fact that CJ has asked me to spend the rest of our lives together!  We are also very thankful that Staci took the time and spent the money putting all of this together.  She has two (beautiful) kids, works full time and is trying to get her house ready to sell right now so I know it wasn't easy finding the time to plan our party.  Fortunately for us, she's a go getter and managed it all!  Thank you, Staci!
We went to grill out at Meredith and Adam's Saturday night and had the best burgers.  CJ and I talked about them the next day.  We'll have to remember that marinade!  We always have so much fun with them.  I  think the last thirty minutes we were there, we laughed so hard it could have been an ab workout!  Meredith gave me the cutest Bridal Planner book.  I've already started using it.  It's perfect for a little OCD bride to be like me.  It seems like every time we go to Meredith's we're leaving with a new bowl, pan - or in this case, a wedding organizer!  Thank you, Meredith! 
My sweet mom has been buying me clothes left and right for the engagement party and engagement pictures...and I guess for any other reason she can think of right now.  She has really great taste, too!  She actually called me one day to tell me she found my wedding dress and sent me to try it on the next day.  Surely enough, it was the one.  We're both going to check it out this week together and hopefully purchase what I don't mind calling the most beautiful wedding gown I've ever seen.
As far as updates around the house go...School is coming to an end for the semester.  CJ and the boyz are doing well.  I can't wait to get home, get my workout and run over with - and relax with my sweet angels.

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