Thursday, March 17, 2011

Novel News

The Art of Racing in the Rain, by Garth Stein
If you are an animal lover, more specifically a dog lover - you must read this book.  This book will always have a special place in my heart.  I look forward to reading it over and over.  It's one of those books that make you laugh and cry; not cry because it's so sad, but more because it's so touching.  Because it's told from a dog's point of view, it made me look at myself and my actions well as Dale's actions.  I know it sounds rediculous, but I honestly believe that Dale is different from most dogs.  He is really sensitive to emotions - I think he can smell my mood and knows from there what to do.  He's the smartest, kindest, most hilarious dog I've ever known.  Of course, he's not above normal dog behavior - he still licks himself in front of company and urinates in pet stores...this in mind, he still behaves better than a lot of humans I know!  I've been so lucky to be his mom for eight sweet years and look forward to more!      

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