Friday, March 9, 2012

I think this may be the first post in a while that won't be full of food pictures!  I haven't made time to cook lately and this week has been more eventful than normal. I promised myself and my sweet husband that I'll put my apron back on this weekend.  I have already found a few recipes that interest me!

Last week I came home after a long day of work, a doctor visit, and dentist visit to see hubster unloading a beautiful bouquet of flowers from his jeep.  He said he knew I had a rough day. Meltmyheart.
I've mentioned how lucky I am before, yes?

Running!  Looks like I'm back in the, back on the pavement.  I ran every day last week and almost every day this week.  Hubster even ran several times with me.  I'm looking into signing us up for an organized run...I want to run my first 5k! 

Last weekend was divine
We rented 'In Time' starring Justin Timberlake while munching on Chinese food.
  We visited our favorite cajun spot and dined on oysters and fish before going to see Denzel Washington's new movie 'Safe House.'
Sidenote: I wish Denzel would read me bed time stories - love his voice!
We took a trip to a furniture salvage shop to look for pieces to refurbish (no luck this time).
I suppose our weekend doesn't sound too exciting, but it certainly was one of my favorites!

Even Monday managed to be great.  We went to dinner with our friends David, Cherie, Josh, Lucas, and Thomas.  It was nice getting to see faces that we aren't able to see as often as we would like.  Too bad we had to work the next day, we could have stayed hours longer!

Wednesday night we went to my MIL's for dinner.
She cooked Roman chicken and risotto with a Waldorf salad and rolls.  YUM.
It is such a treat to get a nice meal and visit with family for no reason at all.

What else is there?
My dentist is in the process of improving my smile.  My last appointment is next week.
I can't wait to see the end result.  Pretty stinking excited!
(All week I've been wanting to see the 'anti-dentite' episode of Senfield.  I'm not an anti-dentite anymore!)

Hubby is fine.  He's been working really hard at work this week, then coming home to work out for over an hour.  I wish I could force him to rest more, but he's much stronger than I am.  Maybe he can score some couch hours this weekend! 

The boyz are fine.
Dale is enjoying his patio time in the evenings with the nice weather.
Bill.  To make a long story less long:  Bill got to sleep outside of his bedroom one night this week because we didn't want to hear him body slamming against his door in an attempt to open it over and over and over again  we love him.  He woke me up in the middle of the night by letting out some type of karate meow followed by him landing on my face - two legs on one cheek, two legs on the other - directly on my face.  Normally his most favorite nocturnal activity is to gallop as fast as he can from downstairs to upstairs...because racing himself must be a BLAST.
I guess I'll add face jumping as one of his favorite past times.'s Friday!  Whew!
We plan indulging on the finer things in life. 
Date night at a Mexican spot.
Renting a movie.
Sleeping in.
Sipping coffee.
Experimenting in the kitchen.

(how appropriate)

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