Monday, April 30, 2012

April has been crazy busy.
Here's a quick update.

*I promised my SIL that I would bring unicorn poop to my niece's 4th birthday party.
First, I used google maps to locate Unicorn Land.  Then, I walked through forests filled with trees made of gumdrops, swam across the bubble gum river, scaled pink mountains made of sugar, and finally arrived in the most magical place I had ever seen.  The unicorns were even more beautiful than they were on my Lisa Frank folders I carried in high school elementary school!  Next, as quietly as I could, I added a generous amount of fiber to the unicorn's sparkly food bowls.  A short time later, I was able to collect shiny, colorful unicorn poop. 

Not really. 
That would have been much easier to do than what happened in my kitchen on the eve of Callie's birthday party.  My hubby (the one that's so sweet) helped me (like, stayed by my side the whole time kind of help) bake unicorn poop cookies.  The recipe is simple.  The steps are time consuming.  Regardless, four hours and twenty stained fingers later we had our very own unicorn poop shortly after midnight!

*CJ decided to declare a random Sunday 'Wife Appreciation Day' for no reason at all.  He cooked breakfast, went grocery shopping, and barely let me get off the couch.  I honestly felt a little uncomfortable being so spoiled, but I very much appreciated my day! 

*Last week as I was finishing my three mile run around the neighborhood, hubby was standing on our front porch with a cold bottle of water to hand me.  I have no idea how long he was standing out there.  It was the sweetest, most thoughtful idea.  I adore my man!

*Here are some lovely flowers hubs brought me home:

*My dad brought me this 'welcome' piece home from my grandparent's house.  I finally found the perfect place for it.  It sits on our bar as you walk in the front door.  I really love it!

*Converse.  Probably the most comfortable shoes I currently own.
Yes, even more comfy than Toms!

*I started running with a watch about two weeks ago and have managed to stay at or around 25 minutes for 3 miles.  Today was a HOT run, but I felt like a million bucks when I finished.  I bet I didn't smell like a million bucks!  I can't wait until the neighborhood turns their sprinklers on.  Last summer I may or may not have ran through them as well as used them as a drinking fountain.
I'd like to try 3.5 miles one day this week.  We'll see!

*Lately, Bill has chosen some rather uncomfortable ways to fall asleep.
For instance...
sitting up while simultaneously doing a head stand,
balancing on CJ's dip machine,
and sleeping in the lids to my shoe boxes.  This last one actually looks the most comfortable.  Unfortunately for him, his comfort was short lived - B isn't supposed to be near my clothes or on top of the bed.  Please excuse the lack of sheets...they were in the washing machine.
Other odd places include, but are not limited to:  air vents, the ironing board, and on top of the cable box.

*My MIL made me a tote that I have a little obsession with.  CJ doesn't much believe in using his own pockets when I have a suitcase attached to my shoulders at all times - said suitcase would also be known as my purse.  "Can you put this in your purse?" is something that I hear most of the time.  I don't mind except when I run out of room or when my purse weight becomes equivalent to hauling a German  shepherd on one shoulder.  This large tote takes care of the running out of room part:

*We celebrated David and Cherie Hickey's kids' birthdays on Saturday.  Bella turned 3 and Brooks turned 1.  We had a great time and were happy to be part of such a special day!

*We celebrated the best mom in the world's birthday Saturday night with some tacos, cheese dip, margaritas, a sombrero and gifts!  I'm glad my mom had a good time, she deserved it.  I could write forever about what a strong, smart, brave, independent, funny woman she is.  I love her so very much!  So much, in fact, that I promised her I wouldn't post pictures on here.  :)

*Only a little over two weeks until our much needed, well deserved VACATION!

It seems like I haven't had the time lately to post as often about our everyday life or recipes.  While I love being busy, I must admit I got a little excited as I turned my calendar over to May and saw the only things we have planned are our vacation, one graduation, and one birthday.  I welcome weekends with no place to be other than dates with my husband!

Well, I believe I'm all up to date on our blog now.
I also believe this could be a novel of sorts.

That's all folks!

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