Friday, June 10, 2011


As if school, wedding planning, and having three weeks to find somewhere else to live if we desire to move all aren't reasons enough to be bald by now, I have found a project that I must conquer very soon. 
Our coffee table.  I have never been this coffee table's biggest fan.  Guests at our house usually comment on how much they like it, thus diminishing any point I've ever tried to make to CJ that we should look for a new one.  While one of CJ's strong points is that he's so resourceful, it's not always beneficial.  For instance, we can't get rid of something unless it's been broke.  Twice.  And wouldn't you know, that coffee table has got to be the sturdiest piece of furniture that ever existed.  Nevertheless, I waved the white flag a while ago.  We sanded, stained and gave it a new look.  Three years later (yes, three years - I told you it was sturdy), I'm ready to give it a face lift.  I think after this latest project it might actually become one of my favorite pieces that we have.  My inspiration came from this really great store in Homewood, Nadeau.  I plan to strip, sand, paint, and distress our coffee table. 

Ahhh, it's the weekend in just a few hours!  My little fiance is taking me on a dinner date tonight.  We've been so busy lately that tonight will be our first time to go to dinner just the two of us in a month!  I'm looking forward to it!  Other than that, our weekend has no plans other than some pool time and relaxation...and possibly some sanding! 

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